Hypertension and Pre-Hypertension in Bangladesh: Current Status Based On the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2011
METHODS: Women and men age 35 and older in 7543 households were sampled for blood pressure testing. Three measurements of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure were taken at approximately 10-minute intervals between measurements. The American Heart Association (2003) guideline for cut-off points for blood pressure measurements was used. In addition a person who reports that they are currently taking antihypertensive medication to lower their blood pressure is also classified as having hypertension.
RESULTS: Overall, one in three women and one in five men age 35 and older are hypertensive. In addition around one in four women and men are at pre-hypertensive stage. Thus, approximately 12 million people in Bangladesh are hypertensive and another 13 million are pre-hypertensive. As the population is aging, with this prevalence rates, by 2025, about 19 million people will be hypertensive and another 20 million will be pre-hypertensive. Although the rate of hypertension is higher in urban areas, the actual number of people with hypertension is higher in rural areas reflecting the greater rural population in Bangladesh. The rural-urban differences in the number of people with pre-hypertension conditions are even greater.
CONCLUSIONS: This high rate and number of people living with hypertension and pre-hypertension is actually an indication of an impending development challenge in the country which needs urgent attention.