Monday, 18 August 2014
Exhibit hall (Dena'ina Center)
Glenio C Ferrer, MS , University of Southern Santa Catarina, Tubarão, Brazil
Ione J Schneider, PhD , Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
Jefferson Traebert, PhD , University of Southern Santa Catarina, Tubarão, Brazil
INTRODUCTION:  To estimate the burden of tuberculosis in the Brazilian Southern state of Santa Catarina in 2009. 

METHODS:  The study was composed by data of residents in the state and reported in the Brazilian Mortality Database and the National Case Registry Database as confirmed cases of tuberculosis in 2009. The Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) was estimated by the sum of Years of Life Lost (YLL) and Years Lives with Disability (YLL). The YLL was estimated by the difference between the age of death and the standardized life expectancy, 80 years for men and 82.5 for women. A discount rate of 3% per year was applied. The YLD was estimated by the product of the weight of 0.271 by the disease duration of 18 months for HIV-negative cases and 12 months for HIV-positive cases. To compensate for possible underreporting notification, a proportion of 60% of cases and 17.7% of cases of HIV/tuberculosis was increased in the notification data. The absolute values were transformed into rates per 100,000 inhabitants. It was observed the distribution of rates by sex, age and health macro-regions of the state. 

RESULTS:  4.446,29 YLLs were estimated generating a rate of 72.67 YLL/100,000 inhabitants. 1.197,98 YLDs were estimated generating a rate of 19.58 YLD/100,000 inhabitants. The burden of disease due to tuberculosis was estimated at 5.644,27 DALYs, which generated a rate of 92.25 DALY/100,000 inhabitants. The highest rates were found in males and in the age group of 30 to 44 and 45 to 59 years with uneven distribution by health macro-region. The highest burden was estimated in the Planalto Norte with 179.56 DALY/100,000 inhabitants followed by the Nordeste with 167.07 DALY/100,000 inhabitants. 

CONCLUSIONS:  The burden of tuberculosis was concentrated in the adult age groups with variations in the health macro-regions, mainly in males. The use the indicator of burden of disease is recommended as an appropriate parameter for the evaluation of the uneven profile of priorities according to the burden of disease due to tuberculosis in this State.