Thursday, 21 August 2014: 8:45 AM
Tubughnenq 3 (Dena'ina Center)
M Athar Ansari, MD , J.N.Medical College, AMU, Aligarh, India
Zulfia Khan, MD , J.N.Medical College, Aligarh, India

India was one of the four countries in the world where polio cases were reported. In India, Western part of state of Uttar Pradesh had large numbers of families, resistant to polio drops. However, last case of polio was reported in February, 2011. The present study was carried out to assess the impact of social mobilization carried out by medical interns in the resistant families.

 METHODS:  One round of April, 2013 was selected randomly from total five rounds of Pulse Polio Immunization Campaign carried out in the year 2013. During house to house ‘A’ and ‘B’ activity, teams of health workers visited the resistant houses and tried to convince them that polio drops did not have any side effect.

RESULTS:  Total number of resistant families, identified during house to house A-team activity was 150. 112 (74.7%) houses were converted to P houses (Polio drops were administered). 38 (25.3%) houses remained resistant even after ‘A’ team activity. These most resistant houses were again visited by ‘B’ team members. Out of these 38 houses, polio drops were administered in 29 (76.3%) houses during ‘B’ team activity. However, after maximum efforts of both the teams, only 09 (6.0%) houses remained extremely resistant.

CONCLUSIONS:  In all high risk areas maximum numbers of resistant families were converted to P houses where large numbers of children were given OPV. These families were persuaded by the teams of interns, social workers and influential persons that polio drops did not have any side effects. Extremely resistant families might be the potent source of infection and they should be followed up strictly. Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans should be strengthened to ensure a rapid and appropriate response to any case of polio in the country in future.