Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Exhibit hall (Dena'ina Center)
Elisabete P Paz, PhD , Anna Nery School of Nursing, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Raphael M Guimarães, PhD , Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Maria Helena N Souza, PhD , Anna Nery School of Nursing, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Introduction: Hypertension is growing up overall the world, and it’s necessary to have a n accurated strategy to do the survellance of risk factors for that.

Objective: The objective of this study is to present the "Patient Grade 10", a monitoring strategy of lifestyles in hypertensive patients in primary health care .

Methods: For this, we used the "Fantastic Lifestyle questionnaire, which aims to assist health professionals to identify and assess the lifestyle of their patients, seeking intervention for primary and secondary prevention of chronic diseases. The instrument, previously adapted for elderly hypertensive patients in Brazil, has 21 items grouped into 5 domains: emotional state, alcohol abuse , smoking and medications, social support, work and leisure, food, and physical activity and overweight . From the scores obtained, it is calculated to obtain a final score that ranges from 0 to 10, and this notice is assigned to a patient. The test application included 273 individuals of average age 60.1 years, all hypertensive.

Results: The correlation between the final score of the questionnaire and blood pressure and anthropometric measures was evaluated by Pearson's correlation coefficient, and the values obtained were as follows: systolic blood pressure r = -0.688 ( p = 0.002 ), for diastolic blood pressure, r = -0.429 ( p = 0.047 ), for abdominal circunference r = - 0.383 (p = 0.037), for BMI r = -0.344 (p = 0.059 ), and for the waist-height ratio r = -0.393 (p = 0.019) .

Conclusions: We observed, therefore, that the questionnaire can be a useful tool for monitoring predictors of hypertension and other factors anthropometric risk of cardiovascular disease, and can also be used in order to make the monitoring of patients in primary care , is the programmatic actions or family health strategy.